is a Washington, DC-based designer who has gained recognition for his comprehensive approach to design and sound. Based on three core philosophy’s “everything is design”, “don’t make me think,” and “failure is the only way you can succeed.”

He is the Associate Director of Design and Sound for PBS KIDS, where he has been for the last 17 years. Among his notable achievements are his contributions to PBS KIDS GO!, Kart Kingdom, Talk About series, and the 2023 redesign.
In parallel to his day job for PBS KIDS, he launched an audio blog called From the Annex, focusing on the DC Jungle/Drum & Bass scene. This side project evolved into a podcast, then a live radio show, and most recently, a weekly 3-hour live stream. Ocean has also lent his talents to other esteemed companies, including Elm Imprint, Adventure Geek, Mid Atlantic Climbers, Duncan YoYo, Matrix International, and Franciscan International.
His future goal is to expand the DC Spotlight series into a larger documentary project, capturing the oral history of the DC Drum and Bass scene.
He loves restoring old audio formats. He would rather stand than sit. He is an avid bike commuter. He was raised by photographers. He is an oral processor. He loves dogs but owns a cat. He does not own a TV. Current sports he enjoys rock climbing, skateboarding, and slacklining. When he does drive a car, it’s a Subaru.
Keep Smiling.